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Finally a Poker Movie that May Not Suck

The Grand Poker Movie Starring Woody HarrelsonThe trailer for The Grand, Zak Penn's Waiting for Guffman-like mockumentary on the poker world that doesn't star Keeley Hazell, has just been released. And it looks like we finally may have the first poker movie since Rounders that doesn't suck.

Well, besides The 40 Year-Old Virgin.

To watch the trailer, check out the film's website at TheGrandTheMovie.com or Yahoo movies here.

As a refresher, the film, which we first wrote almost two years ago, stars Woody Harrelson as One Eyed Jack, a degenerate poker player who attempts to save his dead dad's hotel-casino from a real estate developer by taking down the world's most famous high stakes tournament, the Grand Championship of Poker.

Joining Harrelson in the cast are enigmatic German director Werner Herzog, Gabe Kaplan, Shannon Elizabeth, Michael "David St. Hubbins" McKean, Dennis Farina, Chris Parnell and a bunch of past Celebrity Poker Showdown-ers including Cheryl Hines, David Cross, Ray Romano, and Richard Kind.

A number of poker pros make cameos including Doyle Brunson and Phil Hellmuth's gargantuan size ego.

The Grand first premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival last April and was one of the festival's hottest tickets. It hits theaters nationwide on March 21, 2008.

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Hey Bob, we'd appreciate it if you'd quit reading our minds three days before we write a post.

Really uncool.

Robert Woolley

Nice post title, coming 3 days after I posted this: http://pokergrump.blogspot.com/2008/02/possible-non-sucky-poker-movie.html

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