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Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi Considering New Career in MMA Fighting

For this week's Toke with Wicked Chops Poker on RawVegas.tv, Dave Farra catches up with Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi and David Williams at the first-ever Bodog Fights held in Las Vegas, which saw Nick "The Goat" Thompson submit John Troyer for the win and two chicks beating the crap out of each other.

Williams talks about placing bets on MMA fights, including a $10,000 wager he won off Patrick Antonius at the UFC fight between Georges St. Pierre and Matt Hughes. The Grinder meanwhile gets all profound about the differences between MMA and poker when he says, "In poker it's mental training, here it is physical training. So it's a lot different."

We're gonna ask him to dumb this down for us the next time we see him but we'll take his word for it.

Oh yeh, about the headline above. Not really true. But it got your attention right?

Speaking of, Bar Refaeli, the Israeli supermodel who Leo DiCaprio upgraded to after Gisele Bundchen, caught our attention today with the smoking hot photos of her below and after the jump.

Bar Refaeli bikini photosBar Refaeli bikini photoBar Refaeli bikini photo
Bar Refaeli is smoking hot Bar Refaeli is smoking hot It's good to be Leo

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