Oh the Irony, Eliot Spitzer Hooker-Gate Investigation Initially Centered on Money Transfers
Looks like Eliot Spitzer, aka George Fox if you're a hooker named Kristen who tricks for the Emperors Club, was not as opposed to electronically transferring money for illegal activities as we once thought.
The embattled New York governor, who played a major role as state Attorney General in forcing money transfer services out of the online gambling business, apparently became the target of a federal investigation after his own bank reported that he was making suspicious money transfers. The feds initially thought the wire transfers were bribe related. But nope, it was money for hos.
Reports ABC: "It was only months later that the IRS and the FBI determined that Spitzer wasn't hiding bribes but payments to a company QAT, what prosecutors say is a prostitution operation under the name of the Emperors Club."
Read the full article here.
Read Spitzer's 2003 press release about forcing banks to block cardholders from using credit cards for online gambling here.
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Photo of Kristen Pazik in lieu of Kristen the high-priced hooker because she kind of looks like one in the picture