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Eliot Spitzer's Hooker Ashley Might Have Been a Dude

Ashley Alexandra Dupre's first escorting photos aren't flatteringWe've mentioned before that we aren't quite sure what to make of Eliot Spitzer's hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre, aka Ashley Youmans, aka Ashley Rae Maika DiPietro. In some pics she looks pretty hot. Others, the girl next door. Still others, we've noted a certain degree of manliness to her looks.

Well, today, US magazine published some photos of Ashley from when she first started escorting and based on them we'd bet a crack whore's life that she was a dude at one time, and if not, the girl has a serious amount of testosterone in her body. Just look at those man hands on her. They make ours look dainty. Especially since we just had hot cream manicures done.

Anyway, so she probably ain't a dude but the online poker-hating, hooker-loving Spitzer should get a refund for the $4300 he spent on banging "Kristen" this past February in Washington DC hotel, because the girl is about as far away from being a 5-diamonds escort as Dancing with the Stars' Shannon Elizabeth is away from ever winning an Oscar.

Click on the photos below from Ashley's hooker debut, and if you can take it, one more photo after the jump below . . .



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Wow, a link that gives me a chance to win a $100 gift card! Thank you, Greg, thank you. You'll never know how much this means to me.



She looks mad old in this pic


Good call Chad...totally Stiffler's mom.


Anyone have an idea what is written in those tattoos on her belly, and elsewhere? I can't get a resolution of her pix good enough to read.


In the first picture, she looks like a young Stiffler's mom. Hmmmmm.

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