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This Girl is Playing the EPT Polish Open in Warsaw

EPT Polish Open is underway with French-ie Alexia Portal among the fieldAlexia Portal (at right, on the left), the French actress you don't know from the film Autumn Tale but may remember from our "This Girl is Playing the EPT Dublin" post, is among the 168 players who ponied up the 21,000 Polish Zlotych buy-in today to start Day 1b at EPT Polish Open.

Also among the field today at the Casinos Poland: 2004 WSOP Main Event champ Greg Raymer and serial EPT-ers Luca Pagano, Pascal Perrault, Thor Hansen, Andy Black, Soren Kongsgaard, Thierry van den Berg, Rolf Slotboom, Mark Teltscher and William Thorson.

Also, also there at the EPT Polish Open today are:

Dave Colclough, whose wife is Rhowena, if you didn't know and like you didn't know.

Sorel Mizzi, who says he's sorry again and creepily has a poster of Annette_15 on his wall.

Mel Judah, whose Vegas lap dances last summer are scarred into our brains.

Johnny Lodden, who was apparently the poker pro that got Trojan'd out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Liz Lieu, who is hot.

The second flight draw of 168 players puts the total field at 359, a decent increase from last year's debut event in Warsaw which drew 284 to the Casinos Poland. The total drives the prize purse up to 7,180,000 Polish Zlotych if our math is correct, and it probably ain't.

Surviving Day 1a yesterday were 72 players including the chip leader Robert Flink, a Swede, who amassed 113,000. Second in chips was Spaniard Anio Alcaraz (78,000) and third but first in weird foreigny name was German Alp Okumus (62,100).

For full chip counts, go here and scroll down.

Our WCP tip of the day: Don't do a Google Search of Ewa Sonnet or a Google Image Search of Ewa Sonnet (NSFW). Unless you're your own boss, and even then, only if you have an hour or so to kill. Ewa Sonnet by the way is Poland's 36E answer to Keeley Hazell, but more pornish, because she's Polish.

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