Jennicide Nude in Playboy this May, Tease Photo Now Online
We're less than a month away from Jennifer Leigh, aka Jennicide, making her all nude debut in Playboy magazine (May issue should be out in a few weeks), and already has a non-naked tease photo up of the poker player and World of Warcraft-er along with a brief write-up about Jennicide that not so surprisingly uses poker terms every chance it gets:
Professional card player Jennifer "Jennicide" Leigh causes even the most seasoned sharks to drop their poker faces for big, silly grins. Now, in a high-stakes pictorial, Jennicide ups the ante. When you see her pair of aces, you'll certainly understand why.
As for the Jennicide photo Playboy is using as a tease (above right), we'll wait for the issue before passing judgment. But since you asked, she kind of looks a little, uh, fleshy. Or whatever the opposite of Anna Beatriz Barros is in the post below but still within the parameters of being doable. Or she kind of looks like a cross between a new-in-town Vegas stripper and a nice cocktail waitress named Dorothy we once made pleasant with on a riverboat casino. If Dorothy still had all her teeth. Crap, this may be coming off wrongly. Kind of mean. We like fleshy. And we really like Jennicide. Sweet girl. And Dorothy too. Call us.
Check out here.
Related posts:
Jennifer "Jennicide" Leigh Gets Naked for Playboy (with video interview)
Jennicide FHM online photos
She look like one of those fat pigs you see at the nightclubs who think they are way hotter than they are.
Posted by: Joe Schmo | March 12, 2008 at 08:47 PM
not as retarded as using the word "retarded" in a derogatory manner, retard.
Posted by: corky | March 12, 2008 at 09:43 AM
Jennicide getting naked in Playboy is gonna make her a spokesperson for poker? And a meaningful one at that?
That is retarded.
Posted by: Giacomo | March 12, 2008 at 08:35 AM
I have exchanged a couple of private messages with Jennifer. Believe it or do not, but she is a political activist and will be a good spokesperson for poker.
Posted by: Johnny Hughes | March 12, 2008 at 05:30 AM