We're not sure if we've mentioned this before but we think the World Poker Tour's Kimberly Lansing is really pretty. It's the kind of thing we also tell our current/first wives all the time, because it's good to remind them that we think so, to which they always respond, "Who is Kimberly Lansing?"
If you missed it, Kimberly--who will be dressing as wonder woman, Betty Boop, Princess Leia or Lara Croft at an upcoming WPT event, you pick--kicked ass at the WPT Invitational a few weeks ago, finishing 8th in a field of 445 that included a number of celebrity card tossers and many of the world's best poker players (drunk off their asses). The winner of the event, because you don't care, was Van Nguyen, who we've yet to see a photo of anywhere. All the ones we've seen just show some Asian lady (the dealer?) holding up the cash.
Below and after the jump photos of Kimberly Lansing. She's really pretty. |
Kimberly seems to be more personable which is what everyone liked about Shana. Dontcha think? And really, who DID take all those boob shots?
Posted by: michele lewis | March 18, 2008 at 10:48 AM
Not only can describe the action, we now know she can make the game too! Brains and beauty too...rare!!
Posted by: melody | March 16, 2008 at 10:02 AM
Is it me or does she now have some huge bobbies? All I have to say is yessssssssss!
Posted by: hs | March 13, 2008 at 08:08 PM
way better than laylah in my opinion (sorry if that offends anyone). way way better. kind of like in a manish spitzer-crushing-blow way. why are they hiding her on the internets?
Posted by: Kajagugu | March 13, 2008 at 03:37 PM