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Online Gambling Hasn't Increased Rate of Addiction, Says Really Smart Guy

Harvard prof and online poker advocate Charles Nesson recently posted a video of fellow smartie Howard Shaffer (who's the director of the Division of Addiction at the Harvard School of Medicine) talking about the effect online gambling has had on the rate of pathological gamblers in U.S. America.

It's been long thought that the increase accessibility to gambling because of online gambling sites would proportionally increase the amount of gambling related problems. Indeed, that kind of thinking has been the rallying call for anti-online gambling moralists for years. Like remember when hooker banger Eliot Spitzer said that online gambling has "enabled gamblers to wreak sudden financial devastation on themselves and their families."

Well, in actuality, according to Shaffer, it hasn't.

In a study he conducted, the percentage of Americans who have a problem with gambling has actually decreased over the last 30 years, even as it's become more accessible.

As Shaffer points out, the reality is that "an overwhelming majority of gamblers online gamble in a very moderate and mild way."

Watch on YouTube here.

Tip: BillRini.com.

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