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Rally Against Governor Deval Patrick's Bill to Criminalize Online Poker

Governor Deval Patrick wants to criminalize online pokerAs we've mentioned before Barack Obama's goober-natorial pal and plagiar-speech writer Deval Patrick (D - Governor, Mass.) is trying to push a bill through the state legislature that would allow the licensing of three resort casinos in Massachusetts while subjecting those who gamble on the Internet, including online poker players, up to a maximum term of 2 years in prison, a fine of $25,000 or both.

Yes, it's ass backwards, and Harvard law professor and grand poobah of the Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society, Charles Nesson, is calling on poker players to rally at the state house tomorrow morning in protest.

Here's what Nesson wrote on the rally's Facebook page:

"Deval Patrick's casino bill (H. 4307) would make online poker players into criminals — even if no money is changing hands. Rally at the State House TOMORROW (March 18) to help stop this nightmare from becoming a reality!"

For poker players who live in the area, the rally is from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, at the Massachusetts 54th Regiment Memorial (across from the State House) on Beacon Street.

For more details, check out the rally's Facebook page here or go to the GPSTS site here.

Tell Deval Patrick what you think about his bill here.

See the hottest girl hailing a cab today here.

Related post:

Poker Advocate Charles Nesson on The Colbert Report
Governor Deval Patrick Wants to Send Online Poker Players to Prison

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