Jonathan "FieryJustice" Little Gets 86'd by Full Tilt Poker
In news that unfortunately doesn't involve posting photos of hot chicks who were at the WPT Invitational, 23-year-old poker pro Jonathan Little (kid at right), aka "FieryJustice," has been dropped from Full Tilt Poker for violating the terms and conditions of his account.
The ouster comes less than a month after a P5er noticed Little had played 1,227 Sit-and-Gos in just seven days and just two days after he called out Chris "Jesus" Ferguson on his blog for what he claims, yet doesn't elaborate, was a "100% classless celebration" at the NBC National Heads- Up Championship.
Says the online poker site in a statement released on the Full Tilt forum this afternoon:
"Despite having a great year on the WPT, Jonathan Little is no longer affiliated with Full Tilt Poker. He violated the terms and conditions of Full Tilt Poker by allowing other players to play his account. While we encourage our pros to play as much as they can, we do not allow them to share their account with any other players.When a player on Full Tilt Poker plays against and chats with a red pro on the site, it is imperative that they be able to trust that it is really the advertised pro playing the account. Given that Mr. Little violated that trust, we have decided to sever his ties to the site, and close his account.
Full Tilt Poker values the trust of its players and will deal with any violation of that trust swiftly. We apologize to any of our players who may have been misled during the past few months by Mr. Little's actions."
Little, who captured a WPT title this season at the Mirage Poker Showdown, was signed by Full Tilt back in November after he runner-up'd at the WPT North American Championship.
Little made it to Round 4 this past weekend in the National Heads-Up Poker Championship after besting Erik Seidel, Gabe Kaplan and Greg Raymer. He went on to lose to the event's eventual champion Chris Ferguson.
In somehow related news, we're still looking at photos of Kate Hudson's ridiculously perfect backside.
good point...what a douche. go figure he's a shipitholla tard.
Posted by: Tray | March 05, 2008 at 01:03 PM
Not to get poker-nerdy here, but he just gave up 100% rakeback on his SnGs at Full Tilt when losing his "red" title.
That's probably $30-$40K a month based on air figures I pulled out of my ass.
Nice going kid!
Posted by: Drizztdj | March 05, 2008 at 11:52 AM