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EPT San Remo Sees Finland's Ville Nyman Lead on Day 1a

Melissa Satta is from Italy where the EPT San Remo is underwayThe next stop of the European Poker Tour is underway in Italy, home to some of the world's most sensationally hot women, like Melissa Satta at right.

The first of two Day Ones at the EPT San Remo was held yesterday with 337 mostly Euro-rounders ponying up the €5,000 buy-in at the Casino Sanremo. At the end of Day 1a, a total of 95 players remained, and it was Finland's Ville Nyman who held the chip lead with 107,100, and Germany's Henrik Brockmann was not far behind with 100,100. Just think of the crazy, disturbing porn these two fellas combined have probably witnessed during their lifetimes. Really, Fins and Germans love the weird stuff. It's creepy. But curious.

US Americans have gotten off to a decent start with Yung Hwang amassing the third most in chips (96,600) and Anthony Spinella (71,600) and Isaac Baron (62,700) also among the top ten.

Notables who lasted through the Day 1a action include Luca Pagano (53,900), Mark Teltscher (50,400), Brandon Schaefer (48,400), Raymond Rahme (43,700), Roland de Wolfe (39,800), Ryan Daut (35,900), Steve Zolotow (33,800), Dario Minieri (28,200), Liz Lieu, a woman (28,700), Pascal Perrault (23,500), and Thor Hansen (11,600).

Some of the big names making an early exit in San Remo include Patrik Antonius, Sorel Mizzi, Mel Judah, Katja Thater, a woman, and Peter Jepsen.

Day 1b action is already underway today, and the tournament has reached its capacity of 700 players, making it the largest EPT event this year on European soil, we think. Among those in the field today are Daniel Negreanu, Noah Boeken, Vanessa Rousso, a woman, Isabelle Mercier, a woman, Fabrice Soulier, Todd Brunson, William Thorson and Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellie.

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See photos of Melissa Satta from her Spanish Maxim spread and more, below and after the jump.



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