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Jennicide Nude Playboy Photos Are Out and Online

Jennifer Jennicide Leigh nude spread in PlayboyLooks like this is a good week for the hottest girls in poker. Lacey Jones wins our Hottest Girl in Poker award. Dancing with the Stars' Shannon Elizabeth gets back to showing leg. And now this...

It's been almost a year since we first heard that Jennifer "Jennicide" Leigh stripped down to various states of naked-ness for Playboy.

A year of wondering, "Hmmm...in theory this sounds promising. We like the general premise. But will we like the results? Will we???"

While it's definitely no Keeley Hazell spread, it turns out Jennicide definitely has some wicked nude chops.

Check out scans of Jennicide's Playboy spread (all NSFW of course) here, here, here, here and here.

Jennicide now joins the illustrious ranks of poker playing hotties who have stripped down for the camera, including Shannon Elizabeth, Jennifer Tilly, Brandi Hawbaker, Erica Schoenberg, Rhowena Colclough and Joanna Krupa.

Video interview: Jennifer "Jennicide" Leigh naked in Playboy

UPDATE: Jennicide's Playboy photos have obviously been removed from image shack. As one commenter recommended below, check out the Lacey Jones video instead. Hotter body, hotter girl.

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Tammy E. Dixon
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Joe Schmo

Yes, good choice Greg.

I ain't feeling Jen at all. Plus, she sucks at poker. I took her for some cash a few years go, and gave her the line I give many good looking women (which she really isn't, by the way) who think by showing my half their tits I am going to lose focus:

"Honey, your tits aren't anything I haven't seen before. Your money, on the other hand, is fresh, new, and exciting to me."

thunder thighs

good choice


I think I'll skip the Jennicide photos and watch the Lacey Jones video again.

And again.

And again.

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