Poker News Looking 'Sexiest' with Megan Fox
Megan Fox, the tattooedly hot actress from Transformers who is bizarrely banging that dude who dated Donna on the show 90210 which your parents' parents used to watch back in the 20th century, has been voted FHM's Sexiest Woman of 2008. The perennially pretty Jessica Alba and our favorite top dropper Keeley Hazell finished 2nd and 3rd, respectively. A bunch of other chicks you'd toss your girlfriend aside for round out the top 100. Check out the list here. Check out Fox looking stunningly hot in various states of
undress below. One of the pics btw is of a short Mexican cop on the Sunsent Strip ... see if you can figure out which one it is.
Some sort of newsy poker links for you . . .
:: We aren't the only really goodlooking guys surprised that Doyle Brunson is a blogger (Click here and here)
:: Apparently Phil Hellmuth can't see too well into Guy Laliberte's soul (Click here)
:: We aren't the only poker news-ers who write about Shannon Elizabeth on Dancing with the Stars (Click here)
:: If you live wherever it is WTVY News 4 airs, you should play this poker tournament to support our troops (Click here)
:: License plate poker . . . genius! (Click here)
:: Who dunnit? Poker pro son is suspect in poker pro's father murder (Click here)
:: Friendly poker games won't be legal anytime soon in that state with the palmetto tree and Islamic-y looking crescent moon silhouette logo people annoyingly like to wear all around the south (Click here)
:: Maine's Governor John Baldacci hates charity poker games (Click here)