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UPDATE: Poker Player Fatally Stabbed at the Taj Named, Bled to Death after Artery Severed

Arthur Prince was stabbed to death by Vicente Perez at the Taj Mahal after argument in poker roomThe poker player who was stabbed to death this weekend after an argument in the Trump Taj Mahal poker room in Atlantic City has been named.

Arthur Prince, 61, of Toms River, NJ, was pronounced dead at the hospital a little more than an hour after the altercation took place Saturday afternoon between him and Vicente Perez, of Macon, Georgia. The 57-year-old Perez (seen with the victims blood covering him in news photo to right) is charged with aggravated manslaughter, unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose.

According to the medical examiner, Prince died as a result of a knife wound to his left cheek that severed his carotid artery (hockey-ers, think Clint Malarchuk or Richard Zednik) and caused him to bleed to death. Prince also had wounds to his mid-back, left lower abdomen and left upper abdomen.

Read more here.

According to Bluff Magazine, the argument began at a $1/$2 table after one of the two men returned from the ATM to find his seat was occupied by the other man.

In related news, the Taj is a crap-hole, Atlantic Shitty blows and a 57-year-old grown man stabbing a guy over a $1/2 seat is about as down low, pathetically disturbing as it gets.

And the Taj is a crap-hole, if we didn't mention that already.

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