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WPT World Championship: Billy Baxter, Darrell "Deep" Dicken Lead Day 1A

The 2008 WPT World Championship kicked off at the Bellagio in Las Vegas today. A somewhat disappointing field of 210 showed for Day 1a. The anticipated 450-ish total field will fall way short of the record 639 of last year (won by Carlos Mortensen, who banked the $3,970,415 top prize).

Chip counts are still unofficial at post time, but leading Day 1a action (as far as you know) is Billy Baxter with 167,150. He's followed by 2008 Wicked Chops Poker Award Winner (best nickname category) Darrell "Deep" Dicken (163,000).

Other early big stacks include our favorite scarf-wearing-Euro Dario Minieri, Steve Billirakis, Brandon Cantu, and Mike Sexton.

Get full chip counts from the always great WPT tournament reporting team here.

In related news, go get your notepad out right now. Because if you want to learn how to bag any lady without having to buy a Frank T.J. Mackey instructional video, watch the clinic put on by Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Player of the Day Allen Kessler here.

And in unrelated news for all of our pothead readers, here's what the Hot for Words girl, 27 year-old Russian babe Marina, has to say about 420.

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