2008 WSOP Guide: Sexxpresso Will Give You A Little Boost
Our next entry in our 100% guaranteed daily 2008 WSOP Guide is a place that seems tailor-made for scarf-wearing Euros, non-scarf-wearing Euros, or just dudes who like hot chicks wearing lingerie...and who also enjoy coffee.
Between the tourneys, satellites and "juicy cash games," all 2008 WSOP runners will need a little extra energy boost to keep them going. Some will opt for cocaine. Some pills. But if for some reason you're not into that kind of stuff (missing a nose? fear of swallowing capsules?), there's the hottest coffee shop in Las Vegas, Sexxpresso.
Located at 670 E. Flamingo Ave (a block east of Paradise), Sexpresso is a relatively short cab ride away from a much more appealing coffee experience than what you'll get at the Starbucks next to Sao Paulo...or Sao Paulo.
Or the uber favorite and fashionable tilted kilt.
Posted by: cougarvictim 13 | May 21, 2008 at 08:17 PM