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Breaking: Layla Kayleigh Out as WPT Host

WPT host Layla Kayleigh is out after one season on the poker tourSoooo...a RawVegas.tv employee was dining in LA this weekend when a random conversation broke out with a TV producer who mentioned that the World Poker Tour is about to hold auditions for a new host. Or had already held auditions for a new host.

Either way, this means WCP fave Layla Kayleigh is no longer a WPT host.

Fortunately, as far as we know, Kimberly Lansing isn't going anywhere.

Aside from her Season 6 WPT hosting gig, Layla Kayleigh also anchored MTV's popular America's Best Dance Crew, which this season was won by the JabbaWockeez.

No word yet if this was a Layla or WPT decision. When asked for the old confirm/deny, the WPT's not-bad-on-the-eyes-themselves PR team had "no comment" at this time.

Watch our webisode of The Toke with Layla below. And get your WCP Layla Kayleigh photo and video fix here.

Related WCP exclusives + posts about WPT hosts coming and going . . . and suing:

:: Who Will Get Whacked* From Season VI of the WPT?
:: Sabina Gadecki Gets Friel'd
:: WPT Screws Shana Hiatt From Going to NBC's Heads-Up Poker Championship
:: Why Hiatt Left WPT and Other Things Steve Lipscomb Doesn't Want You to Know
:: WPT Picks a Brit Brunette with Big Breasts as New Hostess, Not Keeley Hazell Though

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Joe Schmo

She sucked and she didn't show enough of her tits. I knew she was gone after week one.

As for the WPT, I can see it going down unfortunately. Truth be told, I would welcome it because I miss playing what I call 1990's style poker. I am sick of losing money to jerkoffs and bitches who get luck and go runner-runner on me, and then think it is going to happen all night and lose my money to everyone else except for me. For example, 2 weeks ago I am playing some jerkoffs at a 1-2 NL table. I get pocket kings and raise to $20, get two callers. Flop comes K-J-5 rainbow. A beautiful thing for pocket kings. First guy to act bets $25, I raise to $60. Dude after me calls and orignal bettor takes a hike. Turn comes a 3, total rainbow now. I bet $100. Jerkoff calls. River comes a 6. Of course, no way Johnny Jerkoff plays 4-7 or 4-2 to the river. I bet $50 thinking the guy probably have had a busted straight draw with K-J on the board and hoped he would call for the pot. He raises me all in for $120 or so. I call right away and jerkoff turns over 4-7. I wanted to kill the fucker, calling me down with that shit. Next deal, I have K-J and steam raise. I get 2 callers. Flop comes K-J-6. I go all-in and jerkoff #2 with A-2 calls, and I had him covered!! Turn is a 6, river is an A, and I get fucked again. Then, I sit there and watch these jerkoffs donk off my money to everyone else except me. That never happened in A.C. in the 1990's, and I blame the WPT and WSOP for these jerkoffs.

The Truth

Mike Sexton's contract is up, he is not expected to return (his wife is pregnant with his first child). Linda Johnson's last episode will be the WPT Ladies Night at Bellagio. I don't know what will happen to Van Patton. It is unknown if GSN will renew the WPT contract, the new CEO is alleged to be anti-poker.

I think we are looking at the end of the WPT.


Why are we on a merry-go-round with a different host every year now? Pick one and stay with it dicks...


i'll be very surprised if kimberly is back next year.

Jo Fro


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