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WPT Update: Official Layla Kayleigh Statement + Is Mike Sexton to Follow?

The WPT has released their official statement on Layla Kayleigh's departure:

"Layla Kayleigh brought great edge, whit, and personality to the World Poker Tour as hostess in Season VI, and we sincerely wish her well as she continues to explore her TV career. We are currently casting for the Season VII TV hostess role, and look forward to introducing her to everyone soon."

WCP votes for Kimberly Lansing to be the new WPT HostessWe can confirm that the hosting role is now in its final call back stage. No word if Kimberly Lansing (at right) is part of that final call back or if the WPT is looking to go in an entirely different direction. If we had some sort of WPT super-delegate vote though, we'd cast it for Kimberly Lansing.

Rumors are also swirling that Layla Kayleigh might not be the only WPT'er not coming back. We've heard rumblings in poker circles that Mike Sexton may also be on the outs. As commenter The Truth on our site succinctly noted:

Mike Sexton's contract is up, he is not expected to return (his wife is pregnant with his first child). Linda Johnson's last episode will be the WPT Ladies Night at Bellagio. I don't know what will happen to Van Patton. It is unknown if GSN will renew the WPT contract, the new CEO is alleged to be anti-poker. I think we are looking at the end of the WPT.

Remember the last time an anonymous commenter broke news on WCP?

While we don't think this is the end of the WPT, it will be interesting to see what direction the company will take in the near future.

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Kid Dynamite

so, since, like an idiot, i bought WPTE stock a while ago, i've intently watched as they bring in each host - seeing WHICH will be the savior for my investment.. I was not a layla fan at all, but, if they lose Sexton, they are totally fucked.

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