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2008 WSOP Day 1B Update: Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Dan Druff at 2008 WSOP Main Event

Todd "Dan Druff" Witteles (bottom left) among the many "name pros" eliminated on Day 1B.

All right, seriously y'all, where the fuck are you?

Apparently you're all waiting to play Day's 1C and 1D, because you're not here. Only 1,158 registered today.

And when the fantastic WorldSeriesofPoker.com's list of "10 Top Notables" includes Tony Hachem, Neil Channing, and Barney Boatman (as of post time), you know it's slim pickings for big names.

Unfortunately, as noted earlier many of the top pros playing today have since departed. That list continues to grow as a steamed Greg Raymer busted and bolted, canceling all of his media gigs on his way out. Joining him on the rail include Kenny Tran, 2006 Main Event champ Jamie Gold, Orel Hershiser, Peter "Nordberg" Feldman, and Scott Fischman.

Going into the last break of the night, some guy named Brian Schaedlich is big stacked with 107,000. Other notable big name pros "Keeping the Dream AliveTM" for The Year of the ProTM include Patrik Antonius (82,000), Hoyt Corkins (70,000), Robert Mizrachi (70,000), and a still-at-the-featured-table Erick Lindgren (66,700).

In related news, we've learned there are just over 5,400 people confirmed registered runners for the 2008 WSOP Main Event as of post time. With satellites running around the clock and many people still traveling here this weekend, there is still an outside shot of besting last year's total. Although that's still fairly unlikely.

However, as we witnessed just an hour or so ago, that didn't stop Mike "The Mouth" Matusow from making a $10k wager with Phil Gordon on a 7,500 +/- entrant prop bet. Matusow, who is not known for being an astute prop better, is the one taking the over. Good luck with that. Listen for some play-by-play action of this with one of the Entities on ESPN.com's Poker Edge radio show in a couple of days.

And finally in unrelated news, Dancing with the Stars' Shannon Elizabeth was seen in the Rio Amazon Room holding hands with Derek Hough, so guess they're still a couple and out in the open about it, which is great news for the .0001% of our readers who give a shit.

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