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2008 WSOP Day 1B Update: Robert Mizrachi, Erick Lindgren Among Chip Leaders

2008 WSOP Main Event railbird

Robert Mizarchi and Erick Lindgren are somewhere in the Rio Amazon Room at the 2008 WSOP.

It'll be an interesting day. With turn-out a little under expectation for Days 1A and 1B of the 2008 WSOP Main Event, everyone is hoping for a strong surge of registrants this weekend. Actually, that's not very interesting at all.

A little more than half the starting field survived play yesterday, with 615 poker players moving on to Day 2. A couple of "some guys" are big stacked, with Ben Sarnoff (177,500) and Brian Schaedlich (160,725) atop the leaderboard.

Of the pros who have formally formed a consurtium of sorts to pile-drive home The Year of the ProTM, The Grinder's bro Robert Mizrachi is among the big stacks with 142,400. Other pros still in pursuit include the wildly underrated until we keep saying that and make him overrated Alex Balandin, oh wait never mind we're thinking of Alex Bolotin (109,925), Erick Lindgren (92,325), Barny Boatman (80,600), the blind guy from last year Hal Lubarsky (70,700), Hoyt Corkins (67,525), Erik Seidel (64,925), Patrik Antonius (64,125), Vanessa Rousso, a woman, who went to Duke (48,450), and 2007 WSOP final table-ist Alex Kravchenko (45,300).

For a list of those who have departed us from the 2008 WSOP Main Event, read here and here.

Get full chip counts here.

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