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2008 WSOP Day 4 Wrap: Pros, Gingers, and Hot Girls Go Deep

Jeremy Joseph, David Chino Rheem among 2008 WSOP Day 4 chip leaders.Things are looking good for those hoping for a star-studded final table. Then again, we saw this last year, and it didn't quite work out that way.

Regardless, the remaining 195 names in the 2008 WSOP Main Event have plenty of potential.

Leading the pack is the Mormony named (and new Davidson Matthew Club member) Jeremy Joseph with 3.1M. He's followed by Cristian Dragomir, who might actually be a fragrance, with 2,065,000. In third overall is our pick to go deep, David "Chino" Rheem, with 2M. We've been known for our wicked predicting chops, but our Rheem call may be the coup de gras for us if he keeps this going.

Big named big stacks abound, which is really "good for pokerTM." Some of those keeping The Year of the ProTM alive include (all unofficial chip counts for now) Brandon Cantu (1,580,000), Shawn "Bad for Poker" Sheikhan (1,500,000), Alex Outhred (1,500,000), Mark Vos, a ginger (1,373,000), Gus Hansen (1,360,000), Victor Ramdin (1,350,000), Allen Cunningham (1,270,000), Matt Matros (1,120,000), Jeff Madsen (770,000), Chip Jett (620,000, Phil Hellmuth (570,000), Mike "The Mouth" Matusow (550,000), and Hoyt Corkins (330,000).

Hot girls Tiffany Michelle and Kara Scott are still going deep with 909,000 and 355,000 respectively.

And Deng Dong still remains with 425,000.

Cards flyTM again sometime tomorrow.

Get full (and continually updated) chip counts here.

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martin tighe

this whole "davidson matthew club" has got to stop. jeremy joseph being in it?!?? really?? the guy has 2 first names, ill give you that. but jeremy isn't really much of a last name, in fact joseph is a more common last name than jeremy is, so this whole thing has been taken too far.

it only makes sense if the first name is a more common last name than the last name is and if the last name is a more common fist name than the first name is. davidson matthew works, a lot of these other ones don't and would be better just to say "never trust a guy with two first names"

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