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2008 WSOP Main Event: Matt Garner, Brandon Adams Lead Day 1A

This is pretty much what the Rio looked like yesterday, and last year, and two years ago, and three years ago, except with different banners.

First of all, our apologies. We would've gotten this recap up sooner but apparently the World Wide Internets, or as we like to call trademark it, "The Information Super-HighwayTM," was down this morning. Or at least our connection was. Maybe Canada was behind it, trying to get some of that Internet money. Who knows.

Anyway, this is our fourth year covering the World Series of Poker Main Event. While it is without a doubt the most exciting day in poker each year, it's also pretty much the same damn thing every year.

Shuffle up and deal...AA vs KK all-in on the first hand...some requisite pro among the early big stacks.

The honor of "requisit pro early big stack" goes to Brandon Adams, as he finished the day second overall with 176,450. Adams trails Mark Garner, who has a stellar if somewhat limited track record in WSOP events, with 194,900.

In all, the 1,297 entrants to Day 1A played down to 636 last night. Some notable big stacks include the where-have-you-been-the-past-three-years Kido Pham (120,650), Mark Vos, a ginger (113,200), "Glum Girl" Svetlana Gromenkova (94,125), and let's not forget about the uber-present Blair Hinkle (58,275).

And sadly, the following list is of people who will not win the 2008 WSOP Main Event. They will be missed but surely not forgetton: Shannon Shorr, Josh Arieh, Gavin Smith, Mekhi Phifer, Dan Harrington, Joe Sebok, half-man, half-amazing Freddy Deeb, David Benyamine, Tom "durrrr" Dwan, Eli Elezra, Lyle Berman, Davidson Matthew Club founder Davidson Matthew, Erica Schoenberg, a woman, Phil "OMGClayAiken" Galfond, Kevin "BeL0WaB0Ve" Saul, J.J. Liu, a woman, and last year's runner-up, Tuan Lam, who actually now will probably be forgotten.

Get full chip counts here.

2008 WSOP Band of Bloggers: Get full recaps and payouts from WorldSeriesofPoker.com here. Get Dr. Pauly's take on WSOP happenings here. Please please don't forget Pokerati here. And get Poker Prof's recap and more photos here.

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Garner plays in a lot of the local games down here in Little Rock...helluva nice guy, but a bit of a hee haw in the cash games...

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