Another Ill-Conceived Poker Movie to Hit the Big Screen...Seriously
"Salty" Joe Hachem is among the stars in an upcoming poker documentary. Behind him, Vaughn Sandman predicts how many screens the movie will open on.
Hollywood isn't a hard one to figure out. If a movie is successful, you make more like it. Or you make sequels. Deep Impact (great name for a porno) begets Armageddon. Dante's Peak begets Volcano. The Mummy begets another Mummy. Pluto Nash does not beget Pluto Nash Forever.
So why, exactly, are more poker movies being made?
No matter. For those who haven't gotten their fill from Lucky You, The Grand, that shitty Stu Ungar flick, and Deal, here comes Pass the Sugar...a documentary on the final nine from the 2005 WSOP Main Event.
"Pass the sugar," btw, is the phrase that 2005 champ "Salty" Joe Hachem would say after winning pots. Which means after David "Chino" Rheem inevitably wins the 2008 WSOP Main Event, expect a docu called "Ship It" to hit the screens sometime in 2011.
Anyway we're bored writing about this already, so read more about this sure-fire blockbuster that is certain to put Brad Kondracki back on the map here.
In related news, in case you missed it yesterday, poker-themed Vegas shows are also not learning the same lesson.