David "Chino" Rheem Downgraded to Potentially Bad for Poker
This one hurts.
Turns out that David "Chino" Rheem, our random pick from the get-go to win the 2008 WSOP Main Event, has a warrant out for his arrest in Florida.
Chino, who got his start in Florida at the same casino as Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi (who was sweating him big time en route to the final table), has multiple convictions, including felonies, in Broward County. According to the Sun Sentinal:
Eight years ago in Broward County, Rheem was convicted of dealing in stolen property and burglary, both felonies, as well as larceny and possession of marijuana, court records show. He was sentenced to four months jail time and 30 months probation.
He also failed to appear in court on a 2003 misdemeanor trespassing charge in Hollywood, according to state criminal records, leading to a court order for his arrest. The warrant for his arrest remains active.
Chino, come on man. However, since this site is all about the Entities and our agenda, we're willing to overlook this, since he was our pick and all. In fact, we'd be willing to bet that Chino has since learned from his earlier indiscretions and has since set up multiple inner city rec centers to help mold the minds of youths in Florida. "Learn from my mistakes," he probably tells them, "and you too one day can win the World Series of Poker..." is what he says.
Good job, Chino. Readers, if there's a lesson or two to be learned from all this: 1) get on our good side, and 2) have a friendly sounding nickname like "Chino." Can't get mad at a guy named "Chino," can you?
Read the full Sun Sentinal here.
Go Dennis Phillips! ;)
Posted by: Cali Jen | July 18, 2008 at 01:23 AM