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Girl on Girl at the 2008 WSOP: Liz Lieu

The below is WCP contributor Michele Lewis' latest interview in her "Girl on Girl" series at the WSOP featuring interviews with some of the coolest, hottest girls in poker. Check out Michele's blog at michelelewis.com.

Poker player Liz Lieu looking hot in a new photo

Liz Lieu is an obvious pick for Girl on Girl at the 2008 WSOP. The girl is smokin' hot, super funny and plays poker like a pro.  OK, so she is a pro poker player but just because someone is a pro poker player doesn't necessarily mean they play like a pro poker player. 

Lieu was an easy interview as she always has something enlightening or funny to say.  I had a chance to catch up about her experiences this year in poker, life and the 2008 WSOP.  And of course... and how much she likes to read Wicked Chops Poker.

Hump to the jump for more Liz Lieu...

Michele Lewis: Hi Liz, I'm glad we were able to catch up the other day; I always enjoy speaking with you. You have had a lot going on this past year with work, family, health and poker... how have you been holding up lately?

Liz Lieu: Well, I'm doing much better than I was a month ago. I went through an awful health scare which included surgery and a pretty lengthy recovery period. I'm happy to have it behind me, and I feel much better now.

ML: You recently signed with Chili Poker, who have been very supportive, how is that going?

LL: When I was deciding who to partner with in poker, it was a decision that I spent a great deal of time on. I wanted to find someone who would really be supportive of me as a person as well as a player. Alex Dreyfus (CEO) and the entire team at Chili Poker have been just terrific to work with. I really feel like part of a family. Even during my health problems, they were looking out for me. I've tried not to schedule too many events during the WSOP, and they have been fine with that. I definitely don't feel like just another player in a stable of players, which I might feel like if I was with a site with more sponsored players.

Liz_lieu_couch_poker_player_2ML: You’re playing fewer events this year at the WSOP... how much of that has to do with your new nemesis hand of A-A?

LL: Ha, you've heard of my horror hand of 2008! I am jinxed with pocket aces in tournaments, that is just a fact of life for me. I've had some vicious beats this year with it, but I'm not gun-shy about it.

ML: We spoke the other day about players who want bragging rights of knocking out pros... Will you take this moment to enlighten readers why that is poor strategy after spending money to play in the WSOP?

LL: Sometimes people lay down their hands because of me; other times players at lower limit buy-in's chasing gutshots. Anything that gets you off your game is good for the pro and bad for the amateur. You have to remember that experienced players are going to work hard to make the right decision on every hand, as well as taking in all kinds of reads on every player at the table. The newbie might get a scalp by knocking out a pro, but more often than not a bad move is not going to be rewarded.

ML: We have the same view on playing poker with pros... Will you share why you loved the London event so much last fall?

LL: I played the Premier League Poker against eleven other pros, including Andy Black, Devilfish, Roland De Wolfe, Kirill Gerasimov, Juha Helppi, Tony G, and Phil Hellmuth. We each played six matches and we earned points depending on where you finish at a six-handed table. It was a real competition, and I had to play the best of my ability. I learned a lot playing with very different players. I really think it was the greatest match I ever played.

ML: That must have been exciting.  You know, you told me you played the seniors event... you really look good for your age... did you cash?

Ll22LL: Catfight!

ML: Yep!  So, how excited are you about John Phan's bracelets?

LL: John deserves only the best things, so I'm definitely excited and proud of him. He is a terrific player and I hope he can take his third bracelet this summer!

ML: Let's talk about International Liz Lieu... you were in London, which you said was too cold... tell me about your new (future) location.

LL: I've loved my time in London, but I'm really excited about Asia and Hong Kong. I think we're just at the beginning of poker there, and I'm probably going to spend more time there during the next year.

ML: How are things going with your new site iPokerCal and what exactly is your role?

LL: I am the owner and janitor! It's off to a great start, and we have a hard working team trying to provide a one-stop shop for everyone to know when and where any poker event occurs: live, online, or on television. I thought I liked hard work, but starting and running a business is REALLY hard work!

ML: Yes, it is but very rewarding. What else are you working on in business?

LL:  Oh, I have lots of things going, starting and stopping stuff all the time.

ML: Let's talk poker sexpots, I should start a new column "call a sexpot" or "I won the biggest sexpot." OK, semi-seriously now, who do you think is the hottest male poker player... and believe it or not... if you say Patrik Antonius... you will be the first.

Ll62_3LL: You should say who is the ugliest, right? All the poker guys who read Wicked Chops or 2+2 would say Patrik for sure. I don't know, I actually tend to like David Beckham—he's a hottie. In fact, why does Wicked Chops always show hot women on the rail? Why not show the male hottie of the day? Give us female Wicked Chops fans some love, too!

ML: I know, I’m working on doing the hottest guys. Well, not “doing them” but you know what I mean. Like when I post on Patrik and stuff. Who is the hottest female poker player... and don't say Liz Lieu because everyone says her.

LL: Liz Lieu! Every woman is hot in her own way. Look, I have to play with these ladies all the time, so I'm not starting any feuds, especially with me. To be honest, any lady with a pile of chips in front is extremely hot to me!!

ML: Ha, you’re funny! Alrighty Ms Lieu... I know you are a fan and read Wicked Chops Poker... do you think those guys are total pigs or what?

LL: I actually like Wicked Chops and read them all the time. They always give a shout out to me, which makes my day! Of course, they haven't written too much dirt on me, so let's keep it that way. Although... I may have some mud wrestling photos coming out real soon (smiley face)!

I don't know Liz, the way I see it… if WCP isn’t pimping out your dirt then you’ve earned their respect.  On second thought...

Photos Courtesy of Liz Lieu who is the same Liz Lieu of LizLieu.net

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site de poker

nice .......


now be honest Liz you DIDN'T start the business ipokercal.com did you.......


3 Jul 2008 ... Is Liz Lieu just a really nice person? Why is everyone so obsessed with her. She's an attention whore and looks a bit like a rat! ...
www.pokernews.com/live-reporting/2008-world-series-of-poker/main-event/day2b/page14.htm -

Being Poker

uhmmm Strangely hookerish....


she IS taking a dump in a laundry basket

nipple man

she can take a dump in my laundry basket any time yo!

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