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Let's Not Forget About the WPT Bellagio Cup IV

WptlogoRight down the street from the Rio, the new WPT season is getting underway with the Bellagio Cup IV. In speaking with WPT decision-makers*, they said** the Bellagio Cup IV will be the greatest "IV" in the history of "IV's," better than the year IV (no cars yet, no Internets, no toilet paper...bad times), Rocky IV (although the "I can change..." speech nearly gave it the edge), and Toto IV (and that says a lot, since it won 6 Grammys and had "Rosanna" on it).

The Bellagio Cup IV offers a new structure and buy-in that could best be described as "pro-proTM." As in, the buy-in is more ($15,000) and structure is favorable to good play (triple the old starting stack, giving players 450 big blinds).

Despite this, some of the big name pros of the 107 who bought in yesterday didn't make it through, including Amnon Fillipi, Antonio Esfandiari, Beth Shak (a woman), Clonie Gowen (a woman), David Williams (bangs a lot of women), David Singer, Jonathan Little, and Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi.

Marco Johnson ended Day 1A (there are three Day 1's) big stacked with 240,250. Other big named big stacks include Lee Markholt/Lee Watkinson (138,750), Barry Greenstein (134,450), and Eric Froehlich (96,500).

Be sure to check out their new live team (headed by Amanda Leatherman) and tourney updates (lots of video, very cool) here. And get full chip counts here.

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