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Poker News Made Better With Eliot Spitzer's Hooker Ashley Dupre in a Bikini

Ashley Dupre bikini photos

Ashley Dupre looking hot and not like a dude on the beach somewhere.

:: State-sanctioned online poker closer to a reality in California? [link]

:: What's that Nat Arem kid up to hiring a web developer to work in Costa Rica? [link]

:: 2008 WSOP Main Event Delayed Final Table Chip LeaderTM Dennis Phillips doesn't want any of that Internet money to wear his hat backwards. [link]

:: In backasswards news, the Lottery Commission in West Virginia declares poker tournament legal. [link]

:: Our favorite sex-educator/web-cam-diddler Jenny Woo has some advice for The Last Woman StandingTM Tiffany Michelle. [link]

:: Guardian writer Charlie Brooker is on to our formula. [link]

:: Texas Hold'em on the iPhone is all the rage. [link]

:: Mike "The Mouth" Matusow calls out the increasingly unlikable David Singer during HORSE game on Full Tilt Poker. [link]

:: The Wicked Chops Poker forum is back up and running. Got something to share? Post it there. [link]

We're too lazy to go back and see exactly what we've said in the past about Ashley Dupre, aka Ashley Youmans, aka Eliot Spitzer's hooker named Kristen, but we're pretty sure it had something to do with how we never know what to make of her. Sometimes the girl's hot, other times not even close, and sometimes she kinda looks like a dude. Well, you can file the below photos of her in a bikini under "hot." Maybe not gubernatorial-sacrificing-ly hot. But about as close as we've seen her come.

Check out our Ashley Dupre mega link for some old photos of her. Got photos to share post them under "Hot Girls" in the forum.

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