Vanessa Rousso, Who Went to Duke, Has A Mom and Sisters Who Went to Hotville University
Since 2/3 of the Entities who comprise Wicked Chops Poker are married to MILFs, we in general have an appreciation for them. And while it would be gross to say we have SILFs, we certainly appreciate someone's fine sister.
Enter Vanessa Rousso's mom. And sisters.
According to Rousso, who went to Duke which means she's smart and should know things like geography, her family flew in from Florida for the weekend. Hopefully they will fly in from Florida more often, or at least stick around until Day 2 so we can meet them and stuff.
That's what I call a good looking trio of sisters! Their poor, poor Dad. I wonder if he even has a couple of blades of hair I myself am a fan of the youngest looking sister in the rocker jeans,...but only because I'm a pervert.
Posted by: Johnny | July 09, 2008 at 09:39 PM