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Antonio Esfandiari Participating in Cannonball Run Gumball 3000

The Fuel Girls should be a mandatory part of all races involving cars, bikes, humans, or horses.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas earlier today, a bunch of cars that we worshiped when we were like 10 drove by: Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Rolls.

"Wtf is that? The Cannonball Run?"

The decals on the cars said: Gumball 3000.

"Shitty name for a Cannonball Run. They should just call it 'Cannonball Run.'"

Anyway, didn't think much of it until perusing that forum run by the creepy old guy to see that poker player Antonio Esfandiari is a celebrity participant in the U.S. American leg of the race. (read full thread here)

Turns out that:

The Gumball 3000 is an annual 3000 mile (5000 km) international rally which takes place on public roads, which travels around the world.

The U.K. leg of the race appears to be exponentially sexier. Because the Fuel Girls participate in it. And because Europeans are generally more sexually promiscuous than us so almost everything they do is sexier.

If you just gotta know more about the Gumball 3000, go here.

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Fuel girlz rule.

Mean Gene

There was a movie called "The Gumball Rally" about a cross-country race that predated "The Cannonball Run". A movie that Jack Elam stole, flat-out STOLE, from Dom DeLuise.


hey mate nice poker blog (tho it seems to be focused a lot on girls lol - a good thing!)! check out mine if u have time!

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