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John McCain Shuns Cookier, Picks VPILF(TM)

Sarah Palin Vice PresidentIn a shocking reversal, John McCain has dumped one-time VP running mate T.J. Cookier from his ticket and has now opted for VPILFTM Sarah Palin (R-Alaska).

Quote McCain's camp:

"While T.J. Cookier has served his country well for many, many years, his love of craps and inability to win 'the big one' ultimately led us to change course. Plus, we'd much rather look at Sarah Palin for the next 8 years than an old, crumbly cookie. Even if he is delicious."

Cookier could not yet be reached for comment.

Palin has sexily served as Alaskas sultry Governor for the past two years, more than qualifying her for the most important job in the world.

When not governing Alaska, Palin wears skimpy lingerie around the house and gives hot oil body massages.

As reader APOSEC72 has already commented on our site, "Actually, [McCain's] pick could double as a Friday Night Parting Shot."

While we won't go that far, more Sarah Palin pics after the jump. Very hot for teachery...

Sarah Palin Vice President Sarah Palin Vice President


Sarah_palin_vice_president_1_2 Sarah_palin_vice_president_2
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Given this post went up about 30 minutes after she was named, how is it possible that Miller beat us to the punch? We should sue him for plagarism if anything.

A Dude Who Hates Cards

VPILF was coined by Dennis Miller. shame on WickedChops for plagerism.

Carplayin Dude

Si, she muey bueno. But I'm visualizing Mrs. Obama as a mighty fine FLILF.

Bad Beat for Cookier.

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