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Man Wins 21 Million Frequent Flier Miles From Continental Playing Poker

Airlines need to start thinking "out of the box" to bring passengers back.

Bill Shiver of Houston banked 21 million frequent flier miles from Continental Airlines by taking down the OnePass 21st Birthday Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament held at the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

Hopefully Continental will still be around long enough for Shiver to use all those miles. Not sure if you heard but the airline industry is strug-al-ling (1:00 if you didn't get the reference here).

A casual poker player, Shiver plans to take a "Mediterranean cruise, a trip to Italy with friends, and to road football games of his alma mater, Texas A&M University" with the winnings.

Not mentioned was (warning: major plug coming) booking discounted Las Vegas hotel rooms and more trips in general to Sin City. Ingrate. Come on Bill, don't you want special deals on Las Vegas hotel rooms? Who doesn't want cheap Vegas hotel rates, Bill?


Read the full press release here.

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Flying Ace

That seems like a crappy prize for winning a prestigious poker tournament. Where's the $$$?

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