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Poker Links Made Better with Joanna Krupa All Wet and Topless in Maxim Germany


The insanely sexy Joanna Krupa gets wet in the latest issue of Maxim Germany.

:: What's more disgusting? The 2 Girls 1 Cup video or  a video of the UltimateBet pros watching the 2 Girls 1 Cup video? [link to forum post, link to video]

:: What's more entertaining to watch? Video of paint drying or Evelyn Ng's tour of her new condo. [link]

:: Cast your vote for who you think we'll take down the 2008 WSOP Main Event in the WCP forum. Btw, the correct answer is Chino Rheem. [link]

:: Admo, a regular on that forum run by creepy old dudes, comes out swinging against former forum mod Cornell Fiji (aka Steven Ware, a ginger) over a $30k rolling by launching www.stevenwareisathief.com. [link]

:: Don't hold your breath if you're waiting for online poker to become legal in California. [link]

:: Daniel Negreanu on the rise of Ruskies in poker. [link]

:: WCP forum member DonkeyHerder's knowledge of hot celebrity asses earns him a brand spanking new Wicked Chops t-shirt. Congrats! [link]

:: Some article about poker enriching your vocabulary. Whatever. [link]

:: London's Poker in the Park sounds like a cool event. [link]

:: Evy Ng's WSOP man bitch Garry Gates takes down Tao of Poker's 5th Anniversary online poker tournament. [link]

:: Double dumb - some company duplicates the whole Duplicate Poker thing. [link]

:: FOWCP Owen is down in Uruguay covering the Third World Poker Tour for our friends over at PokerListings. [link]

Click away at the thumbnails below for Joanna Krupa Maxim pics. For the topless NSFW good stuff go here, here and here.

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beautiful women and poker go well together




I thought that WAS a video of paint drying.

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