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Scotty Nguyen Just Ruined His Reputation - UPDATE

Scotty Nguyen proved to be a drunk jackass during the WSOP HORSE EventAfter the 2008 WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. final table, we heard from a few prominent pros that it was going to be nearly impossible for ESPN to edit this one and make eventual champ Scotty Nguyen look good.

The stream of mf bombs and insults coming out of Nguyen's mouth would've gotten almost any other player a penalty of some sort, but not the Prince of Poker.

By now most people should be over the illusion of poker players as role models. But ESPN and the WPT has done a good job over the years of glossing over the seedier stuff in the industry, and Nguyen was easily one of the biggest benefactors of this treatment.

However, he just flushed all that good will down the toilet.

From his complete disrespect for other players, belligerent drunkenness, attempts at collusion with Erick Lindgren (who obviously wanted no part of it and was distancing himself from/standing up to Scotty throughout the night), and desecrating the memory of Chip Reese (who the night was kind of dedicated to), Scotty will likely never be looked at the same again.

Or Layne Flack, who looked like a big douche too.

Watch a highlight clip of his best moments below.


UPDATE: Scotty Nguyen has issued an apology, sort of. Read it here.

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Something About Poker

Scotty was a total embarassment, I was looking forward to seeing this tourney as to me it is the new king of the pro's.

Now he just reminds me of a sleazy drunken bad mouthing gambler at a local casino.


Just so you know - Sam Farha and Johnny Chan are assholes too. Just ask any dealer at The Bellagio.

Maybe poker is better off with unknowns and amateurs winning events, at least they appreciate it.


Scotty has always been a douche bag. we always knew this... remember the cussing of dealers and card throwing before his main event win?
fuck him he is a dick. but you cant lie, unless you personally know Michael that broadcast is funnier than food stamps.

on a side note, i hope he rolls with this new image. no more will he be the Prince of Poker! he is now forever know as the King of Douche Bags!

Michele Lewis

Yep, that was some great entertainment until Lindgren got fucked. Pun intended.


Scotty was a total D**K. I was a fan once not anymore. I hope that his supporters are proud of this disgusting behavior. Scotty took poker back to the seedy backrooms on national T.V. What was Harrahs and ESPN thinking? He is the Prince of S***T.

Kid Dynamite

I chalked it up to Scotty being drunk - which he denies in his apology. I hope he was drunk, or he has no excuse (not that being drunk is an excuse).

and for those criticizing Demichele - come on - the kid celebrated a little early, they told him to knock it off, and he did. he handled himself INCREDIBLY well after that, in the face of Scotty's bullying.

you can tell how far out of line Scotty was cause he got under Edog's skin.



that sounds like a lot of work Jen

Jen Leo

This post sounds more like a news story than the fun loving WCP roasts we're used to. Come on, make fun! Jibe! Poker players as role models? Give us the 6 best public blunders from pros.

Love you guys. Don't outsource your writing.


DeMichelle earned 5 lbs of dickishness, Scotty gave him 50lbs.


love edog leaving flack hanging. best part of the video.


I was blown away by Scotty's behavior. I've always been a fan, but lost a shitload of respect for him. Demichele handled it pretty freakin' well. Layne Flack has always been a douchebag.


i gotta say i completely disagree fuck that scotty said what he wanted and thats his right that demichele kid was a tool. making smart ass comments the whole time like he was the cream of the crop. he hasnt earned the right to say and act the way he did. i dont think any one should act they way demichele did. scotty put the kid his place and blasted him while he did so fuck off haters.

Charles Rogers

What a fucking dick! Fuckin Eric Lindgren should have bitch slapped his ass..... Fuckin Eric Lindgren.


He was an unbelievable dick. I was expecting to see a lot more on this. Card Player puts him on the cover - and not a mention of his dickishness.

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