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Watch Erick Lindgren Win His First Bracelet on ESPN Tonight

Erick Lindgen was among many big names pros who may have won tonight's ESPN 2008 WSOP broadcast.

Now we don't want to spoil who won tonight's 2008 World Series of Poker broadcast, so let's just say this: you may or may not have heard already, but this year ended up being officially tagged The Year of the ProTM.

In tonight's broadcast (Event #4 - $5,000 Mixed Hold'em), the pros really helped drive home the point that it was the year of them, with a final table that included in no particular order of where they actually finished: 2008 WSOP Player of the Year Erick Lindgren, Justin Bonomo, Andrew Robl, Roland de Wolfe, David "ChinoTM" Rheem, Howard Lederer, David Williams, Pat Pezzin, and Isaac Haxton.

It's probably a good idea for you guys to vote on who you think will win tonight's ESPN broadcast on the WCP Forum here. Since you have no idea who won it. Vote here.

Also in case you missed it, vote for who you think will win The November 9TM here.

In related news, here's a preview of a feature ESPN is doing on Erick Lindgren from his golf prop bet last year. We mention this because 1) it's cool to see that make the ESPN broadcast, and 2) it appears as if ESPN has failed to give RawVegas.tv credit for use of the footage (at least during the segment). Watch the entire Erick Lindgren golf prop bet here and here.

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I fuckin shot that. I am suing.

michele lewis

I'll lay you 10 to 1 that Eric Lindgren won. Minimum bet is one meeelion dollars.

Kevin Mathers

Yes, most shows do give credit as they use the footage, but the times I've seen the WSOP broadcasts show other footage, it's been at the end.


Actually watch some of their other highlight shows and they'll give credit as the clip is playing.

Kevin Mathers

They gave a "footage courtesy of Raw Vegas" for 2 seconds at the end of the broadcast, which is when there would be a message.

Kid Dynamite

whatttt? they stole your footage? can they do that? holy cow... lawsuit!

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