Not Necessarily Just Poker News Brought to You By Steve Sanders' Wife
Nikki Ziering has aged well. She's on a Jennifer Tilly-esque aging continuum. 37? Wow. View more pics here.
:: This new poker rap is > "Poker is Fun" (not hard) but < "The Poker Rap." [link]
:: Fernanda Ferrari has gotta be a fake name and her boobs have gotta be fake too but ultimately who cares. [link]
:: Dr. Pauly is a professional cooler. [link]
:: Prepare to projectile vomit at the thought of/image of sentence number two of Doyle Brunson's latest blog. [link]
:: Vote for who you're blind shoving with this November...even though they all kind of suck. [link]
:: The greatest insurance video of all time, hands down, nothing even remotely comes close. [link]
:: Lesson learned from Chantel McNulty's plastic surgery: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. [link]
:: The Sarah Palin porno, awesomely titled "Nailin Paylin," is cumming. [link]