Not Necessarily Just Poker News Brought to You By Inna Meremerenko
Hot girls smoking are smoking hot. Double points for smoking on the toilet, as the toilet has a special place in our hearts since that's where most of these posts are written. So when we saw these photos of Russian model Inna Meremerenko, we thought, "Ok, we gotta get a link dump together to share the gift that is Inna Meremerenko with the rest of the world." View more here.
:: The Ted Binion murder gets the Lifetime TV-movie treatment this weekend. [link]
:: UFC ring girl Rachelle Leah gets the "getting naked in Playboy" treatment this month. [link]
:: ClubWPT launches dedicated MySpace channel...wait...people still use MySpace? [link]
:: The five hottest girls from the Sarah Palin Henderson, NV campaign rally begs the question...why isn't someone taking photos like these at every single campaign stop? [link]
:: Google is taking U.K. gambling ads after staying away from a sure-fire big revenue stream for the past four years. [link]
:: CryptoLogic & PartyGaming to pool their poker businesses? [link]
:: Ouch. [link]
Very nice find. Super hot sexy smoking babe.
Posted by: YouGoGirl | October 23, 2008 at 12:00 AM