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Caption This . . . and Joao Barbosa Won EPT Warsaw

Dario_Minieri_EPT_WarsawWe may have posted this photo of Isabella Mercier and Dario Minieri at the 2008 WSOP before, perhaps in the forum, but it's one of our favorites and we're loving the responses to our other Caption This posts. You guys are good. Plus we're feeling particularly lazy this week. 

It's also somewhat related to news today that the scarf-wearing, femmi-bambino-ish Minier just finished third at the EPT Warsaw. In first was Portugal's Joao Barbosa who takes home €367,141 on his 26th birthday. Maybe he can buy a consonant for his first name with that money, or borrow one from sixth place finisher Sergey Shcherbatskiy

Get full report on the EPT Warsaw from Owen Laukkanen over at PL here.

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I wish I didn't have to read this book, but Wicked Chops Poker hasn't updated their content in forever!

Tom Dwyer

Great site!

Any chance of a link exchange - from my poker blog?

I had a site called goallin.com years ago (sold it) had 1500 members (300 active)

Now I have x-filespoker.com - just starting out.


"I found your Smurfs Coloring Book, your still not staying within the lines"


According to the manual, the ear bud actually goes in the ear.


Mr. Minieri, you are never going to pass this ESL course. Unless you make out with me at the Pokerstars WSOP party, you will fail this course and make me so angry I will reach into my screen and just pound your scummy worthless head in!!

Jordan from HighOnPoker

Isabelle's day planner:

12pm - 12am: Railbird fruity boyfriend.

12am - 2am: Remain sexually unsatisfied until Dario falls aslep.

2am - 6am: Stop by HoP's suite.

6am - 7am: Accept HoP's cash, ice up legs and cooter, and return back to Dario.


Do I need to assume the position out here too Isabella?

The Americans may not understand.

Mike McDermott

"I got fake tits to land this guy?"

Aaron K

"So did you want Mezzanine or Orchestra for the George Michael show?"


"'Isabelle' does not rhyme with "pissin' nails'. Dario, this poetry fucking sucks."


Dear Dairy,

I can't believe I'm railing this snaggle toothed midget. It is hard enough to watch him piss away his bank roll being a maniac. Do I really have to been seen kissing this freak in public? Oh, the things a girl will do for money...

PS. At least its not Bill Chen!


"Sure I'd loooove to sign your yearbook"


...And then momma bear said, "My porridge was toooooo cold."

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