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Friday Poker News Link Dump

Been a busy week for the Entities. Catching up on some poker news from around the so-called "Internet."

:: Best Tao of Poker post ever? [link]

:: Like this "Poker in Pictures" post on Up for Poker. Reminds us how much we fucking love U.S. America. [link]

:: So maybe there was an attempt to get the November NineTM some more mainstream exposure...they just didn't want it. [link]

:: These Goldman Sachs and Lehman guys have the right idea. [link]

:: After taxes, Peter Eastgate will have earned less from the 2008 WSOP Main Event than Ivan Demidov. Go socialism! [link]

In the meantime, not sure if you've seen the below video. But basically the scenario is this: Andrew was brought on the Maurey Povich Show to take a paternity test to determine if he was the father of this child. Andrew was like, "You know, cute kid and all. But I'm not sure I wanna be a dad, especially to this chick who I just hit it with one night." Then Andrew found out he was not the father and was like, "Whew, that's a relief. That would've greatly impacted my life had I been the father. You know what, I think I'm going to dance now." Then he danced.

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How nice to visit the site on a Tuesday and get a post from Friday... fuggin slackers...

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