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The 2008 WSOP Final Table Is Tomorrow...Does Anyone Care?

After four months in captivity, November NineTM hostages are finally ready to be released.

We are less than 24 hours away from the 2008 WSOP final table. Do you care?

What happened to all the promised ESPN build-up? Where's the hype? Where's the PR push around the fact that somebody, perhaps a 50-something truck driver or 23 year-old whiz kid, is about to win $9M? People lose their mind after watching the seventyeththousandth Survivor winner bank just one mil. Why not give this some more reality treatment during the lay-off?

This is a great story, yet it hasn't seeped into the mainstream at all.

Why hold these nine people hostage for four months if you're really not going to do anything that much outside of airing the episodes like you'd normally do to hype it?

So we ask...are you really excited about this final table tomorrow? Anyone?


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Kid Dynamite

this definitely calls for a poll chops... "poker in general" or "no talent skanks" ???

obviously, you'd have to specify who fell into the NTS category....


tony's a retard - more skanks please.

there has been no hype for this event - i keep checking all the regular sites/mags and see nothing more than the usual bios you usually see. I think the wait has been pointless...

i wish they'd put this on pay per view with hole card cam - even if it's a few hours/day delayed. I hate not being able to see how these players really play poker - only a hand probably played once an hour where the viewer has no perspective into the consistency of how the players are actually playing...


tony's a retard - more skanks please.

there has been no hype for this event - i keep checking all the regular sites/mags and see nothing more than the usual bios you usually see. I think the wait has been pointless...

i wish they'd put this on pay per view with hole card cam - even if it's a few hours/day delayed. I hate not being able to see how these players really play poker - only a hand probably played once an hour where the viewer has no perspective into the consistency of how the players are actually playing...






Yes. People care far more for the "Final Table" and poker in general than your "No-Talent-Skanks" you like to pimp on this site.

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