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Who Would You Rather?

Jennifer_TillyMarieosmondgetstalkshow We got roped into an interesting debate with some poker players at the Bellagio Five Diamond this week.

The question was posed: who would you rather...poker player Jennifer Tilly or new Las Vegas resident Marie Osmond.

It was a heated debate, it was. Before going further, let's say this, both have aged better than just about any 50 year old woman we've ever seen (qualifier: Osmond is a few months shy of 50).

Here were the points being made: Tilly wins on the sexy scale. Osmond has that Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island quality. Both have great bodies (Tilly's rack should've won an Academy Award), but Osmond really rounded into shape well after her stint on Dancing with the Stars. While Tilly probably is solid in the sack, Osmond has that post-divorce-ready-to-go-crazy thing working for her. Tilly got a knock for the Laak relationship, but Osmond has popped out like 7 or 8 kids (hotdog in a hallway factor).

Bottomline is nobody could make up their minds, so it has to be resolved in our comments section below.

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Aren't most of Osmond's kids adopted?


get emmmm phil laak


I had Osmond last night after the bars and Tilly a few minutes ago in the shower, and I have to say, Tilly is very sensual & gives great puslating massages...


I would do them both. But if I were to choose one. Jennifer, if only to get under Laak's nerves.


"Hotdog in a hallway factor"

Wow. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard!

Tilly is a high-pitched ditz. I vote Marie.

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RE: Hotdog in the Hallway factor



kind of hard to go wrong with either, but i'll give the slight edge to tilly, only because of those creepy fucking dolls that osmond makes.


Tilly, but only if she is not allowed to speak during the banging.


Easy. Tilly.

look at her face, that girl could make you scream.


Osmond: Dancing with the Stars and a bunch of saccharine variety shows.

Tilly: Bound.

There's a contest?

BJ Nemeth

Asking us to rate these two female celebrities is crude, rude, and immature, and it demeans women into sexual objects. I refuse to take part.

However ...

Since you're twisting my arm, I'd say Jennifer Tilly, hands down, no question, and twice on Sunday. By any metric of this debate, it's not even close.

P.S. -- That photo of Marie Osmond has been airbrushed to hell, while Jennifer Tilly is even more attractive in person. That tips the scales even further in Tilly's favor.


Are you kidding me? No contest! Doesn't matter that Marie is a divorcee. She's a mormon divorcee. Meaning? If you spend the year it will take to get in her knickers she'll still only bang you as hard as an 80 year old man's stool. Tilly hands down.



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