2009 WSOP Guide: What to Expect on Wicked Chops Poker + RawVegas.tv
Will our favorite 2008 WSOP Girl on the Rail, THO Girl, be making a return visit this year?
For our final 2009 WSOP Guide post, here's some things to look forward to on WCP (and through RawVegas.tv video) over the next two months:
:: A new site design (could be as soon as today or as late as Monday, so probably expect it in two more weeks...damn you technology!).
:: A Russian language site (only look forward to it if you're Russian).
:: Many, many Girls on the RailTM.
:: Regular Daniel Negreanu video blogs.
:: Caption This contests.
:: The occasional Phil Hellmuth video blog (including one today).
:: Absolutely random and arbitrary uses of phrases like, "It's just like high school." (Trust us, by the 50th time it gets funny)
:: Hopefully regular Jeffrey Pollack vlogs/updates (including one today).
:: A new vlog series starring the one and only Prince of Poker.
:: Many, many more vlogs from other top pros/personalities (more on this later in the week). Side note, Michael Fay should start a flog vlog. It's just like high school.
:: And finally (for now), a freeroll giving away two seats to a $1,500 buy-in event (guess what: more on this possibly today).
Stay tuned. For more "real time" "on the scene" updates, follow us on twitter here or @wickedchops. And if you're playing in the 2009 WSOP, book your hotel and club passes here.