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BREAKING: Poker Stars Pulling Its Sponsored Players From Poker After Dark

Pad23d Poker Stars is no longer allowing its players to participate on Poker After Dark.

We received an email to the site today detailing how earlier this week Stars told its sponsored players that they will not be able to play on the popular late night show. The reason: the way Full Tilt Poker, who underwrites the production of Po ker After Dark, markets the show internationally.

While U.S. American broadcasts aren't overtly distinguishable as a Full Tilt production, foreign markets receive a more branded version of the program.

An initial request for a quote from Poker Stars was not returned in time for this post, however we will keep you posted if they do.

Hopefully this doesn't begin a Biggie/Tupac, East Coast/West Coast style fued between the two online poker giants, who have more or less co-existed comfortably for years. Last thing we want is Stars getting capped on the Vegas strip followed by Tilt pumped with a lead salad in LA. Nobody wins in that scenario, guys.


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