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Hey Poker News, More Annette Melton Please (2009 Aussie Millions Final Table Update)

Annette_Melton_1 After all sorts of interesting storyline possibilities evaporated with the eliminations of Annette Obrestad, a woman, Annica Ivert, a woman, and Kelly Kim, whose name if reversed sounds like a super hot woman, at the 2009 Aussie Millions Main Event, all we're really left with is this: Is Rajkumar Ramakrishnan the same Rajkumar Ramakrishnan that this website was created for back in 2001? And will whoever made that site come after the guy (if it is him)? Can somebody at Poker News get on that already? Cause really, unlike previous years, that's all we got.

Davidson Matthew Club member Stewart Scott takes the chip lead to the final table, stacked at 4,520,000. He's trailed by U.S. American Peter Rho with 2,420,000. The aforementioned Rajkumar Ramakrishnan is third with 2,050,000. In fourth is US American Zach Gruneberg (1,355,500), who is coming off a prelim Aussie Millions win, followed by Aussie Sam Capra (1,116,100). In sixth is Elliot Smith (1,120,000), no, not that Elliot Smith, and rounding out the bottom of the final table are two Brits, FTP pro Richard Ashby (658,000) and Hendon Mob-ster Barny Boatman (349,000), who seems as if he's been short-stacked the entire tournament.

Get full chip counts here.

Okay, now that we got that out of the way, for crying out loud PokerNews.com give us some more Annette Melton (at right). Please! We swear we'll try harder to get past the annoying preroll you run before every video even though we have the attention span of a two-year-old hooked on the Obama. If you don't know, Melton is a smokingly gorgeous Australian model with the kind of looks that give reason to why we call them our current/first wives. She has been doing scant video reporting for PokerNews.com during the Aussie Millions and some in the past, but like we said, it's been scant. And anything scant with a hot girl, besides clothing, sucks.

Check out some of Annette's modeling photos below. And one of her few-and-far-between PokerNews.com videos after the jump.

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Poker has never been sexier!!! I'm entering tourneys just for the chance of getting interviewed by her...

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