Is This Guy Among the Chipleaders At The 2009 Aussie Millions?
We're about as good at telling Indian dudes apart as we are at pronouncing their names, although not quite as bad as Brian Williams is at identifying black guys.
But could it be that the guy fourth overall in chips at the 2009 Aussie Millions, Rajkumar Ramakrishnan, is the same Rajkumar Ramakrishnan that pissed the crap out of someone back in 2001, which led to this website (screen grab above)?
Here's a pic of the Aussie Millions Rajkumar. Could be. Then again, what do we look like, forensic scientists? What do we know.
With 28 remaining, Michael Tureniec is chip leader, stacked at 1,072,000. Also still alive are Christopher Chronis (862,000), Annette Obrestad, a woman (807,000), Annica Ivert, a woman (709,000), 130 year-old 2008 Aussie Million final table-ist Antonio Casale (566,000), Kelly Kim (380,000), Sorel Mizzi (293,000), Joe Cassidy (197,000), and Barney Boatman (153,00).
Get full chip counts here.