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Wicked Chops Poker Reader Appreciation Freeroll Tournament Info


Guess what our password is...

As promised, here are the details for the First Annual* Wicked Chops Poker Reader Appreciation Freeroll:

  • Through the good people at the Borgata, we are giving away one free seat into the Borgata Winter Poker Open Main Event (value = $3,200). Also included in the package are three free nights in a Classic room at the Borg. If you advance in the tourney, the room will of course be extended.
  • The freeroll to win the seat will be held on Full Tilt Poker this Thursday (1/22) at 9pm EST. If you don't already have an FTP account, click here or the graphic at the bottom of the post.
  • Search for the tourney under the Private tab or by entering this code: 76981094
  • Password = keeley hazell
  • Second and third place will receive Skull Candy head phones (like these).
  • If you knock out an Entity, you get a free Wicked Chops t-shirt (see Maria Ho's hotness rocking the female version of one here)
  • If you win, you HAVE TO PLAY IN THE MAIN EVENT. There are two Day 1's to choose from, this Sunday (1/25) and Monday (1/26).
  • If an Entity wins, we'll likely give it to whoever finishes second, unless that person is an Entity, in which case it goes down to third, unless that person is an Entity, in which case it would go to fourth place.
  • If your name is Kid Dynamite, you have to play. No exceptions.
  • You're on your own for airfare. Cash in some sky miles or get a buddy pass from someone.
  • We'll of course track and post your action continuously during the tournament.

And that's it. We know this is uber-late-notice but think of it this way: it'll increase the likelihood of you winning. Plus, this is really all about you. You narcissists.

Follow the Borgata action here, btw.

* No promises there. We're not a fucking bank you know.

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[x] goot at hold thems!

[x] old school with the site, so no doom

button please.

[x] wants side action...PM if interested.

Kid Dynamite

i now have an account!!!


Wicked Chops

Fly into Philadelphia. It's an easy hour drive and you can get last minute flight from the lou for under 400 bucks and 6 day car rental for 200.

Kid Dynamite

aiyahh!!! i don't even have a full tilt account!

You know that your Aces will probably be cracked by some idiot holding King 10 offsuit who "has to call" because he has "odds".


Very generous of you, well played.

Just so you know, however - there are places in the U.S. from where it is impossible to fly to AC directly. While you might be thinking, "So, move to a big city, chump!" allow me to point out that St. Louis happens to be one of those places...

Should someone living there manage to win such a wonderful prize, getting to the Borgata within less than three or four days might well be literally impossible, or so massively expensive that it exceeds the value of the prize!

Just sayin'.

The freeroll is nice, the Keeley pic is even better.

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