Barney Frank to Continue Push for Online Gambling Legalization
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) will continue to keep online gambling legalization on the front-burner of his economic agenda.
On Tuesday morning Frank, who chairs the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, outlined said agenda for the first few months of the year. Re: the online gambling aspect of his agenda, Frank told G911's Jenny Woo:
"I think if we do this right we should make online gaming legal and subject it to a reasonable taxation like anything else," he said. "This does not conflict to our effort to stimulate the economy. This isn't bad for the economy."
If this actually gets pushed through, expect the floodgates to open. Sure, we'll see the likes of donk-laden sites like Party Poker re-enter the market, but expect the brick-and-mortar casinos, as well as some web entry points (AOL? Yahoo!) step in too. Good times for all.
Read more here.