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Bluff Online Poker Challenge To Begin March 1; Sharks To Lay Waste to Lock Poker Fish

So we're not too into gimmicky shit but this is pretty cool.

BLUFF Magazine is ready to kick off the Bluff Online Poker Challenge (BOPC). The gist is they've assembled 20+ of the best online poker players in the world, give them a $200 starting bankroll on Lock Poker, and see who can it up the most playing MTT's and SnG's during the month. If you go bust, no reloading, you're out.

The winner gets a Bluff cover (and of course, their winnings).

Participants include 2008 BLUFF Magazine Online Poker Player of the Year David "The Maven" Chicotsky, Shaun "shaundeeb" Deeb, Kevin "BeLOWaBOVe" Saul, Gank, Brandon Cantu, Maria Hooooooo!!!!!!!! and more.

Get the full details here. Check back on WCP (or Bluff) over the month of March to see who is doing how.

In unrelated news, below is a video of a hot asian chick getting ready for work on a subway.

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The fact is that Eric Morris realized the backlash he was getting from including Josh Field in the first place and decided to save face. He should never have been considered. The kid has never sincerely apologized for cheating and has admitted to it on several occasions. That's what makes Bluff a joke, the complete lack of sense and ability to make this industry better.

It sickens me that Wicked Chops can put this story up without even mentioning Field, since it was the central point of the story. This site was once great when it never pulled any punches, but now it gets a few pennies every couple of weeks and is forced to ignore anything negative with its sponsors and fabricate negatives for more credible poker sites.


if some bitch pulls this act near me on a train, she better be prepared to get nailed right there!

Smarter than Anonymous

Actually, if you weren't so busy being a fucking no it all, you'd notice that JJ Prodigy is no longer in the field. It was the big story a couple of weeks back. Due to prior BS with his Cake account he was disqualified:


It's pretty sad to see you call somebody out when they've done nothing wrong. Now back to your World of Warcraft marathon.


You guys have officially sold out. The biggest story concerning this, and it has been a story for a month now, is that Bluff was stupid enough to include Josh "JJProdigy" Field in the competition.

I see you managed to leave his name out of your post, but can you guys take your nose out of Lock Poker and Bluff's ass long enough to go back to posting quality newsworthy information.

It's pretty sad to see you guys shill for such a crappy company and for so little in return.

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