Erick Lindgren Pwns Dane Cook
Erick Lindgren's bankroll > Dane Cook's?
Listen, nobody likes Dane Cook. That's pretty well established. With the exception Dane's turn in Dan in Real Life (something we like to call the Tom Arnold True Lies Exception), Cook hasn't done one remotely redeeming thing in his entire entertainment career.
Apparently Erick Lindgren agrees. From the 2+2 forum:
Erick Lindgren and some friends went to a comedy show with Dane Cook as the headliner. Ten minutes into the Dane Cook set Lindgren et. al left the building because they didn't really think that Dane Cook was funny. Dane from the stage, in a large building, says:
"Where the hell are you all going?!?"
"We're leaving because your show sucks and you're not funny," responds Erick.
"Just walk back out that door to the unemployment line!"
"You know what? I am unemployed, have been for a long time, and make more money than you do. If I had my own Showtime special then I might even be funny too."
While we're not 100% sure what Dane did after that, we are 100% sure (with apologies to Tami from Real World II) that "it wasn't NOT funny."
UPDATE: Confirmed to be Erick Lindgren. He left after 15 minutes, retorting to Cook that he and crew were going down the street to find a funny comedian (i.e. nothing about a Showtime special).
I happen to like Dane Cook and find him hilarious. The only reason people don't like Dane Cook is because they choose not to.
The times we live in have created people who will hate something simply because everyone else likes it.
So to keep this short, all you who bash Dane Cook can go to hell because you are simply either to stupid to get the humor or are following the mainstream idea of being different.
Posted by: Chris | May 25, 2009 at 08:46 PM
fucking eric lindgren
Posted by: ::justin:: | February 18, 2009 at 05:36 PM
Wicked Chops for Christ would you post something new so we don't have to talk about Dane Cook. Don't even know why that guy has a career.
Posted by: | February 18, 2009 at 12:21 PM
I'm trying to get in touch with you guys. Keep getting a "mailbox full" error when I send you an email. Could you please shoot me a quick email so that I have an address that I can respond to? Thanks!
Super Ginger
Posted by: Cory Albertson | February 18, 2009 at 12:19 PM
Urban Dictionary - Pwn
Posted by: beans | February 18, 2009 at 10:23 AM
what does "Pwns" mean? do you mean "owns"?
if so, fire the tard who missed that one!
Posted by: j-hanny | February 18, 2009 at 08:56 AM
Halarious. Definitely sounds like something Erick might say, but I'm not sure I believe Lindgren actually went to a Dane Cook show.
Posted by: The Good Poker Sites | February 18, 2009 at 06:02 AM
Who the hell is Dane Cook?
Posted by: Pauly | February 17, 2009 at 01:27 PM