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Jamie Gold's PR People Still Monkey F'ing a Football

Monkey_fucking_football We have no idea whether or not Jamie Gold still uses the same monkey-fucking-a-football PR squad he did back during the BruceCrispin Leyser days, but all current evidence points to "yes."

In an extremely poorly crafted press release with multiple spelling/grammatical errors, Gold's team let's us know that on Oscar night this Sunday you can play in a charity tournament as:

"ACED [Gold's new online sponsor] has donated an [sic] very generous award...the lucky winner will have a once in a lifetime priceless opportunity: a $10,000 seat into the world's most prestigious poker event, along with an all-expense paid trip to Las Vegas, private dinner and complete coaching by champion Gold prior to the main event, the best chance our winner can cash in for over 10,000,000 dollars and be poker's next world champion! The CUN Viewing event is to raise money and awareness for foster and at-risk youth through schools and mentorship programs."

Gold is quoted as saying:

"Some things are more important than trying to win $7 million dollars! These kids need our help."

Ok, no one is questioning Gold's charitable bonafides. He's done a great deal for a number of philanthropic organizations and should be applauded for it. However, where in this press release does it say howhe is giving up a shot to win some mythical 7 mil prize? Wtf? Sure, the LAPC Main Event is going on then, and maybe it'll have a $7,000,000 total prize pool, and maybe the winner will see around $1.5M or so. Is that what they're talking about? If so, that's about as misleading as a stripper pretending she really likes you and is even considering your offer to take her to dinner some time...while she's giving you a lapdance of course.

You know what they say about history...You know what they say about history.

Read the full press release here.

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