Matt "Allinat420" Stout Does Not Win WSOP-C Tunica
Ok, so maybe it wasn't inevitable.
Despite dominating play throughout the tournament and having more than 2x the chips of his nearest competitor at the WSOP-C Tunica final table, Matt "Allinat420" Stout did not walk away with the title.
The win instead went to Kai Landry of Biloxi, Mississippi. Kai banks $183,974 for his first major cashing plus an entry into the 2009 WSOP Main Event.
David Dao finished second, and the aforementioned Stout burned out in third.
Get full final table results and payouts here.
C'mon guys, you're the I'd expect you'd point out how many times I got lucksacked for all the money for this to happen. =)
I appreciate the vote of confidence in the article before the final table where you anointed me the winner before the final table even started. Sounds like the speech people give, but I can honestly say that I played my best so I'm happy with the result.
And you know you guys are hysterical when even the guy whose balls you're breaking with the soda company analogy (in article below) is about to choke to death...partially from smoke, but mostly from laughter.
You guys rock, keep up the good work.
Posted by: Matt Stout | March 13, 2009 at 08:31 PM